Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Egypt - Project during State Testing

Date: March 29, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Cavanaugh
Subject: 6th World History
Egypt, cont. during state testing

Describe and compare the characteristics of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia and China and explain the importance of their contributions to later civilizations, to include:
• significance of river valleys
• early irrigation and its impact on agriculture
• forms of government (e.g., the theocracies in Egypt, dynasties in China)
• effect on world economies and trade
• key historical figures
religious traditions, cultural, and scientific contributions (e.g., writing systems, calendars, building of monuments such as the pyramids

What we will learn (objectives):
How to create your own tomb

What we will read or study (content):
Egypt notes

How we will study it (process):
Now that the students have learned all about Egypt, it is their turn! :

If you were a king or queen faced with the same challenges and beliefs as the ancient Egyptians, what would your tomb look like?


Create a detailed tomb that you design. Your diagram should answer these questions:
• How would you solve the common problems?
• How would your tomb look to show your greatness?
• What type of tomb art would be on the walls to accompany you to the afterlife?
• What types of treasures would you have in your tomb?
• Where would you put your tomb to keep it secret?

Your tomb diagram can be as creative as you like, but must include the following:
o An overall drawing of your tomb
o A summary paragraph explaining the locatin, features and reasoning for your tomb and how it connects ot Egyptian beliefs
o Inset pictures showing details of your:
o Tomb art
o Traps, hidden passageways and other ways to solve the problems of robbers, etc.
o Treasures, furniture and other tomb artifacts
o A map showing the location of your secret tomb

How we will know we learned something (product):
Completed tomb

Who will score/grade what?:
To be determined

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: n/a

Process: n/a

Product: n/a

None – State Testing weeks

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss doing a simulation for this quarter – possibly something with Ancient Greece and the different forms of government.

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