Thursday, February 18, 2010

Destination Imagination - It's All News to Me

Date: February 18, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Schali
Ms. Scarborough
Subject: Destination Imagination
6th – It’s All News to Me

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze information1. Use the problem-solving process to refine understanding by:
a. analyzing problems and solutions within various texts and situations;
b. utilizing the problem-solving process within various contexts and situations; and
c. constructing essays and presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will demonstrate problem solving skills by presenting a relevant solution to a given problem.

What we will read or study (content):
Team Copy Destination Imagination: It’s All News to Me

How we will study it (process):
Check in with students about field trip on Saturday.

Students will be put in teams based on who is going to field trip.

Students will build a tower with the supplies provided. The tower must stand on its own, and then be flipped over and be able to stand for at least 5 seconds. The team must come up with a story regarding why the tower should be flipped.

Students will then self-select teams and work on “It’s All News to Me.” Students will have 4 minutes to plan 5 false news stories and 2 minutes to perform..

How we will know we learned something (product):
Towers and Performances

Who will score/grade what?:
Both GATE teachers will score the performance, using the scoring guide on the Team Copy. This will also be written on the board.

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: Destination Imagination Instant Challenges

Process: Team work, following the instant challenge requirements

Product: Tower and Performance

What will we do at our next meeting? Due to time, one team did not get to perform.

Social Studies: Ancient Egypt

Date: February 18, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Cavanaugh
Subject: 6th World History
Ancient Egypt

Describe and compare the characteristics of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia and China and explain the importance of their contributions to later civilizations, to include:
• significance of river valleys
• early irrigation and its impact on agriculture
• forms of government (e.g., the theocracies in Egypt, dynasties in China)
• effect on world economies and trade
• key historical figures
religious traditions, cultural, and scientific contributions (e.g., writing systems, calendars, building of monuments such as the pyramids

What we will learn (objectives):
How Ancient Egypt compares with Mesopotamia

What we will read or study (content):
Ancient Egypt from Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today

How we will study it (process):
General education teacher will have students explore this chapter using different methods: such as vocabulary words, ACE+ practice, guided notes, and group work. Gifted ed teacher will support the teacher and monitor and coach the students, as needed. Gifted ed teacher will create activities for students to practice what they have learned, as well as help with lecture, when appropriate.

Students were introduced to taking 2-column notes from a teacher-created PowerPoint for the first chapter. Students then took notes using a graphic organizer from the second chapter. Students then read a primary source from the book and used the GATE reasoning questions to help lead the discussion.

Students will have a choice of products to show their understanding of the complete unit.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Choice of products

Who will score/grade what?:
To be determined

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today

Process: 2- column notes, taking own notes

Product: Choice of products

As needed to complete selection from choice menu

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss next section, possibly allow one student to do an independent study; how can we include a “Socratic Method” discussion.

Destination Imagination - Brazil

Date: February 11, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Schali
Ms. Scarborough
Subject: 6th - Destination Imagination

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze information1. Use the problem-solving process to refine understanding by:
a. analyzing problems and solutions within various texts and situations;
b. utilizing the problem-solving process within various contexts and situations; and
c. constructing essays and presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will demonstrate problem solving skills by presenting a relevant solution to a given problem.

What we will read or study (content):

How we will study it (process):
Students will have a copy of the Brazil challenge.

Students will self-select teams and create a new city and draw a map of its features.
Students will have 4 minutes to plan and 1 minute to present to the class.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Map of city

Who will score/grade what?:
Both GATE teachers will score the performance, using the scoring guide on the Team Copy. This will also be written on the board.

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
: Destination Imagination Instant Challenges

Process: Team work, following the instant challenge requirements

Product: Map

Language Arts: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Date: February 8, 2010
Teacher: Mr. West
Subject: 6th Language Arts
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, or viewed.
Interpret and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Increase fluency, comprehension and insight through meaningful and comprehensive reading instruction.
Respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature to develop an awareness of perspectives

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and be guided through a variety of responses to text through discussions, comprehension questions and activities.

What we will read or study (content):
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

How we will study it (process):
Students will read the book in class and at home. Students will be led through a wide-variety of activities to help with their comprehension of the story and allow them an opportunity to explore issues around race during the 1930s. The general education teacher will allow classtime to read and work on activities. The general education teacher will lead class discussions. The gifted education teacher will help lead the discussion around completing the lit webs.

The lit webs will be completed as follows:
Lit webs for chapters: 1-4; 5-8, 9-12
Vocab webs, as appropriate

See the list of activities below: students will choose which activities to complete to receive a total of 50 points. Many of the activities can be completed during the reading, different due dates, with all activities due by a specified ending date.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Literature webs
Vocabulary we bs
Choice of activities

Who will score/grade what?:
to be determined

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Process: Activities to be completed in and out of class, discussion

Product: Choice of products

As needed – reading, lit and vocab webs, activities

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss student choice of activities – quality and depth. Start looking at reading “I Have A Dream” speech.

Activities for Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Pick any combination of assignments that add up to 50 points.

You can create your own assignment and then check with the teacher to negotiate a point value.
There are three different groups of assignments that you can choose from this activity sheet. You may use an activity only once.

All assignments must be typed or written neatly. All assignments must be on paper that is at least 8.5” x 11”.

The due dates for the assignments are:

1. Complete a storyboard of the most important events in the novel – have at least 6 squares, each square must include both a picture and words, pictures should be both creative and meaningful
2. Create a collage that depicts important images of your lifetime – pictures must be cut neatly from magazines/newspapers, label items as appropriate, compare to important events from the novel
3. Design and display a billboard that supports a boycott for a social cause – include a slogan, color picture
4. "Build Your Own Dictionary" - compile a glossary of terms to help other students better understand vocabulary in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
5. Write a news article describing T.J.'s arrest – be informational, follow standard newspaper format, include picture with caption that supports article, at least 3 paragraphs
6. Write a news article describing the fire on the Logans' land– be informational, follow standard newspaper format, include picture with caption that supports article, at least 3 paragraphs
7. Design a crossword puzzle for other students to challenge their understanding of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry – at least 20 significant words or phrases, develop appropriate clues, include puzzle and answer sheet.
8. Recital Day: For your “civil rights performance day” (to be scheduled as we finish reading the novel), recruit a friend to perform with you. Your friend will be the master of ceremonies, who will introduce your recital. Choose and memorize a recital piece. Some suggestions: What to the American Slave is Your Fourth of July? By Frederick Douglass, July 4, 1852 or Ain’t I a Woman? By Sojourner Truth, Women’s Convention, 1851. (See Ms. Scarborough or Mr. West for copies of these).
Create your own original and creative assignment based on the novel.

9. Contribute three questions for one chapter section (1-4, 5-8, 9-12) for your teacher to use on a class quiz – one must be open-ended, one be true/false and one multiple choice. Include an answer sheet. Be sure to use the higher level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
10. Explore 4 different pieces of artwork to determine which work best connects to the issues and themes found in the novel.
Ghost Form by William Christenberry
Plower by Benny Andrews
Mules to Market by John Kelly Fitzpatrick
Tenant Farmer by Marie Atchinson Hull
Use the worksheet attached to the artwork to complete this choice. See Ms. Scarborough or Mr. West for the materials.
11. Choose one of the conflicts in the novel, and retell it from the point of view of one of the characters involved - must be at least three paragraphs in length, can be in the form of a letter or journal entry.
12. Make a video of a news broadcast reporting on T.J.'s arrest or the fire on the Logan’s land, then show the video to the class – must address who, what, where, when, why and how; script of report turned in, may be performed live if recording not available
13. Investigate the contributions of an African-American writer, musician, artist, or leader from the 1930's and create a poster portraying his/her achievements. Poster will include: at least five pieces of important information, both words and pictures, with title.
14. Investigate a specific social issue during the 1930's and create a written or oral report explaining its impact on individuals who lived through the Depression. Written report should be five paragraphs. Oral report or speech, should be at least 2 minutes in length, voice must be clear, loud and easy to understand. Both will include at least 5 pieces of important information.
15. Select a significant story from your own life, or that of a family member, to share with the class through writing or storytelling - at least five paragraphs in length, can be written as a story, letter(s) or journal entry(ies).
16. Create a Time Capsule of artifacts from your lifetime to document "living history" for future students. Must include an explanation of how items connect to the novel, should have at least 4 items.
17. Research the Ku Klux Klan and “nightriders” and create a poster to share with the class. Should include at least 5 pieces of important information, and contain both words and pictures.
18. Research the “Scottsboro Boys” case and write a persuasive essay referring to the treatment of the men. Should be at least 3 paragraphs in length.
Create your own original and creative assignment based on the novel.


19. The Saga of the Logans: Read the first chronicle of the Logan family, Song of the Trees, or the next, Let the Circle Be Unbroken. Chart the major events in the lives of the family. You could also trace the development of Cassie and her brothers as they grow up. From what you learn in the two or three novels, make predictions about the Logan family. To check your predictions, read The Road to Memphis, which takes the Logans into the year 1941.
20. Cassie Logan is the same age as the character Lizbeth in the short story “Marigolds.” Read the Eugenia Collier story and explore other similarities between the two young girls and what they learn from their experiences. See Ms. Scarborough or Mr. West for the materials and further explanation.
21. Take a virtual field trip to the National Civil Rights Museum at
Create a graphic organizer showing a problem and solution that you found at the museum, or one you created after visiting. Write an expository paragraph explaining the problem and solution.
22. Starting Somewhere Survey
Do you see separation of people of different skin colors in your town or school today? Do you see racism at work in your community? What are some examples of racism or separation that you have observed? What can you do in the continuing fight against hatred and racism?
Using the Starting Somewhere survey, work to understand what our community thinks about racism. See Ms. Scarborough or Mr. West for materials and further explanation.
23. Record Oral Histories
Oral history is a way of learning about a time in history by talking to people who lived through that time. Choose one or two people you would like to interview. Ask if they would be willing to talk to you about their memories of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. See Ms. Scarborough or Mr. West for materials and further explanation.
Create your own original and creative assignment based on the novel.

Retrieved and modified on February 14, 2010:
Turck, Marcy C., The Civil Rights Movement for Kids, 2000

Which activity did you like the most? Why?
Which activity did you like the least? Why?
What suggestions for improvement would you make?

General Guidelines and Assessment

1. You must hand-in assignments on the due date. Reading and writing time during class will be available.

2. You must complete all unfinished assignments as homework.

3. Your progress will be recorded and will form part of your grade.

Week 1: points

Week 2: points

Week 3: points

Total points: (50 max points)

Extra: points(25 max points)

Total Activities points:

Destination Imagination - Chair Challenge, Chain Challenge

Date: February 4, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Schali
Ms. Scarborough
Subject: 6th - Destination Imagination
Chair Challenge
Chain Challenge

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze information1. Use the problem-solving process to refine understanding by:
a. analyzing problems and solutions within various texts and situations;
b. utilizing the problem-solving process within various contexts and situations; and
c. constructing essays and presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will demonstrate problem solving skills by presenting a relevant solution to a given problem.

What we will read or study (content):
Chair Challenge
Chain Challenge

How we will study it (process):
Students will watch both GATE teachers show the Chair Improv and then split into 4 teams and have 3 minutes to create their own Chair improvs. Each group will have a chair and one student will sit in it. Another student will need to say something to get that student out of the chair, and that student will need to react to the statement and get up. Each student will have an opportunity to sit and to have another student get up out of the chair. After 3 minutes, each group will perform their best chair improvs, or create new ones.

Students will group themselves into three teams. Each team will receive an envelope with materials. The task will be to use the items to create the longest continuous chain as possible in five minutes. Students will also be given a pair of scissors to use as a tool. At the end of the time they are to put their chain onto the table and measure it. 1 point per centimeter. Teams will them predict where they think the chain will pull apart when they pull it gradually apart from both ends. If the team predicts correctly, they will also receive double their points.

How we will know we learned something (product):

Who will score/grade what?:
Both GATE teachers will score the performance, using the scoring guide on the Team Copy. This will also be written on the board.

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: Destination Imagination Instant Challenges

Process: Team work, following the instant challenge requirements

Product: Performance

Destination Imagination - Accepting Circle

Date: January 28, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Schali
Ms. Scarborough
Subject: Destination Imagination
6th - Accepting Circle

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze information1. Use the problem-solving process to refine understanding by:
a. analyzing problems and solutions within various texts and situations;
b. utilizing the problem-solving process within various contexts and situations; and
c. constructing essays and presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will demonstrate problem solving skills by presenting a relevant solution to a given problem.

What we will read or study (content):
Accepting Circle
Rules of Improv

How we will study it (process):
Students will complete the GATE Visual Product Survey. Students will complete GATE student survey.

Ms. Scarborough will have the students do a warm-up activity called the Accepting Circle. The Accepting Circle: Students will get in a big circle. One player started by making a little gesture, perhaps a little sound. His/her neighbor then tries to do exactly the same. And so on. Although we expect the gesture/sound not to change, it will. Watch for movements that suddenly change, like arm or leg. This should then be accepted by the next player. Also watch/listen for little moans or sighs that players might make before or after their turn. These should also be taken over by the next player.

Students will then have one to two of the Improv rules reviewed.

Students will watch one GATE teacher and one student show the Chair Improv and then split into 4 teams and have 3 minutes to create their own Chair improvs. Each group will have a chair and one student will sit in it. Another student will need to say something to get that student out of the chair, and that student will need to react to the statement and get up. Each student will have an opportunity to sit and to have another student get up out of the chair. After 3 minutes, each group will perform their best chair improvs, or create new ones.

As a final reflection, have students answer the following: How is accepting a teammate’s idea helpful for the team?

How we will know we learned something (product):

Who will score/grade what?:
GATE teacher will score the performance, using the scoring guide written on the board.

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
: Destination Imagination Instant Challenges

Process: Team work, following the instant challenge requirements

Product: Performance

Homework: n/a

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss where to pick up from, since plan did not happen due to weather and the delay day (much shorter class time).

Due to delay day, and that many of the students were late due to weather, we only did the Visual Creative product and the survey. Ms. Scarborough was also able to discuss study hall with the students and how mid-school inclusion is different from elementary school pull-out.