Monday, January 12, 2009

Social Studies: Week of Jan 12 - 16, Ancient Sumar

Date: January 8, 2009
Teacher Name: Mr. Cavanaugh
Grade/subject: 6th World History

What content will be covered (standards):
Describe and compare the characteristics of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia and China and explain the importance of their contributions to later civilizations, to include:
• significance of river valleys
• early irrigation and its impact on agriculture
• forms of government (e.g., the theocracies in Egypt, dynasties in China)
• effect on world economies and trade
• key historical figures
• religious traditions, cultural and scientific contributions (writing systems, calendars, building of monuments such as the pyramids

How will we determine mastery? What is the timeline for mastery?
Completion of choice of product identifying the accomplishments of the Sumerians.

How will we differentiate content/process/product?

Process: n/a

Content: Use combination of on-grade level book as well as above-grade level book for content on Ancient Sumer.

Product: Students will have choice of three products: a 3-sided brochure, a monument or a poster

The general education teacher will:
Use information from on- and above-grade level books. Give class time to complete choice of product.

The teacher of gifted will:
Provide rubric as basis of scoring guide. Will assist in the scoring.

Who will score/grade what?
Both teachers will score using the rubric.

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss plus/delta with choices of products; how to differentiate for the next unit

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