Monday, January 12, 2009

Language Arts: Week of January 12 - 16, Discussion of Asian-American Literature

Subject: Language Arts
Persuasion – Lesson 7, Discussion of Asian-American Literature

What we will learn (objectives):
Develop analytical and interpretive skills

What we will read or study (content):
Dragonwings by Laurence Yep
Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida
Independent Reading Assignment and written responses
Literature Web
Cultures and Change Matrix

How we will study it (process):
Divide students into two groups, based on whether they finished the reading assignment or not.

Those that did not finish it, will write general ed and/or gifted ed teacher a post card as to the 3 reasons why they did not finish the reading. They will then say one thing they will do for the next reading assignment to make sure it is completed on time. The students will then spend the rest of the class time reading their assigned book.

The students who did finish their assignment, whether or not they turned in their book report will be divided by what book they read, group A/B. Students will be given 5 – 7 minutes to jot down their thoughts in answer to the discussion questions. In their groups, the students will then make a web based on the questions and their answers.

Upon completion: Students will present a tableaux to explain the book to the other group (Action Strategies, pg. 116). Use the guidelines/ brainstorming sheet to plan. (pg. 120) Students will have 20 – 30 minutes to create and rehearse and then present before the end of class.

After both groups have completed their tableaux, groups will complete a large lit web. Display both webs and create a class venn diagram.

Complete the Cultures and Change Matrix individually and then as whole group.

As a class, we will complete a plus/delta for the independent reading assignment and make adjustments as necessary.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Discussion questions web
Tableaux planning sheet
Lit web
Class Venn diagram
Cultures and Change Matrix

Begin reading book 2 from Ind. Reading Assignment.

Enrichment (if time):

Complete a “Class Favorites Book” synopsis card.

Read the lit selection which was assigned to the other group. Compare the two books.

Find more books by the author of the book you read. Read several of these books and prepare book reviews about them, with a brief synopsis of the life of the author.

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