Thursday, March 4, 2010

Destination Imagination: Team Challenge, Brainstorming

Date: March 4, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Schali
Ms. Scarborough
Subject: Destination Imagination
6th – Team Challenge, Brainstorming

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze information1. Use the problem-solving process to refine understanding by:
a. analyzing problems and solutions within various texts and situations;
b. utilizing the problem-solving process within various contexts and situations; and
c. constructing essays and presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details

What we will learn (objectives):
Students will demonstrate problem solving skills by presenting a relevant solution to a given problem.

What we will read or study (content):
Team Challenge

How we will study it (process):
Students will continue to decide on which challenge their team will work on. When this has been decided, students will begin brainstorming ideas.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Final challenge

Who will score/grade what?:
Both GATE teachers will score the final performance to take place in April/May

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
: Destination Imagination Team Challenges

Process: Team work, following the challenge requirements

Product: Performance

Homework: when applicable

Social Studies: Ancient Egypt

Date: February 18, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Cavanaugh
Subject: 6th World History
Ancient Egypt, Chapter 2, Section 2

Describe and compare the characteristics of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia and China and explain the importance of their contributions to later civilizations, to include:
• significance of river valleys
• early irrigation and its impact on agriculture
• forms of government (e.g., the theocracies in Egypt, dynasties in China)
• effect on world economies and trade
• key historical figures
religious traditions, cultural, and scientific contributions (e.g., writing systems, calendars, building of monuments such as the pyramids

What we will learn (objectives):

What we will read or study (content):
Ancient Egypt from Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today
DK Ancient Egypt

How we will study it (process):
General education teacher will have students explore this section by first creating vocabulary cards. The students will then begin working on a jigsaw activity where each group is assigned a different small section. Using the information in the text book as well as the DK book, each group must create a poster to teach the rest of the class the information. The students worked in self-selected groups.

The Gifted education teacher will create a PowerPoint for the rest of the section, in the 2-column note format. As an activity, the students will work to translate “a papyrus scroll found in Egypt near the Nile River.” (see attached)

How we will know we learned something (product):
2-column notes
Rosetta Stone translation

Who will score/grade what?:
To be determined

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today

Process: 2- column notes, taking own notes

Product: Poster, Rosetta Stone Translation Activity

As needed

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss next section, possibly allow P. Miller to do an independent study; how can we include a “Socratic Method” discussion, gen ed teacher created a more challenging test for the end of the first section – only 3 students were proficient. Discuss possibly creating a study guide to help students understand how to study. Students came to the realization that they needed to study, something they had not realized before! Way to go Mr. C.

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