Thursday, January 28, 2010

Social Studies: Seven Wonders of the World

Date: January 20, 2010
Teacher: Mr. Cavanaugh
Subject: 6th World History
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Project

Describe the relationships among ancient civilizations of the world
Explain how places and regions serve as cultural symbols and explore the influences and effects of regional symbols.
Compare and contrast the influences of man-made and natural environments upon ancient civilizations.
Explain how cultures create a cultural landscape, locally and throughout the world, and how these landscapes change over time.

What we will learn (objectives):
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World using the six Social Studies componants

What we will read or study (content):
Self-selected research utilizing library books and the internet

How we will study it (process):
The general education teacher created this project and will explain the following to the students:

What makes something wondrous? When studying the civilizations of southwest Asia its hard to overlook the Babylonians (sometimes called the “New Babylonians”) and their king/emperor, the infamous Nebuchadnezzer. The Bible has many great stories involving Nebuchadnezzer, including the tower of Babel, where it’s said that god confused the people of the earth by changing their languages. Nebuchadnezzer’s greatest legacy was most likely the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.

Your assignment for this week is to research one the 7 wonders of the Ancient World and create a mini-presentation to be displayed in a gallery walk for our class.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are:
-The Pyramids as Giza
-The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
-The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
-The Lighthouse of Alexandria
-The Colossus of Rhodes
-The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
-The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Your research will need to cover basic information and facts but also answer some important questions:
-What was the purpose of the Wonder?
-What sets it apart from other ancient monuments?
-What is its historical significance?
-What does it teach us about the people who created it?
-What happened to it?

Be sure to cover the major parts of Social Studies
-Economy: How much did it “cost”? How was it paid for?
-Geography: Where was it located? What was the geography of that location? Why was that site picked?
-Geology: What materials were used to create it? Were they found locally or did they have to travel off site?
-Religion: What part did the Wonder play in religion of the people?
-History: How long did it take to create? How long did it last? What happened to it? When?
-Government: How was your wonder connected to the leadership at the time?

Your presentation will need to include both written and visual information such as:
-basic facts, interesting/unique facts, pictures, maps, charts, diagrams, timelines etc…

Some possible presentation styles are:
-Poster, cardboard cutout/model, powerpoint

The gifted ed teacher will support and coach students during the project.

How we will know we learned something (product):
Presentations and gallery walk

Who will score/grade what?:
The general education teacher

How will we differentiate content/process/product (if applicable):
Content: Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Process: Individual research, combining to a group presentation

Product: Group choice

As needed – the majority of the work will be completed in class. Students had 2 – 3days in the library and 2 – 3days in the class.

What will we do at our next meeting?
Discuss the Ancient Egypt unit.

The project has taken longer than expected due to 2 delay days and 2 snow days. The students were very creative in their products ,using materials in the class to create a Lighthouse, a Pyramid, colossus of Rhodes, Mausolem, Hanging Gardens, etc. Had a poster of the Statue of Zeus.

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