Friday, October 23, 2009

Language Arts: Anthem Chapter 2 questions

Anthem, Chapter 2 questions

1. Re-read the account of Liberty 5-300 on page 38. Which character traits are revealed in this brief description? Use the Character Webbing on the back to answer.

2. Find several examples of the ways in which this society tries to obliterate each individual’s mind (and self!) by quashing personal choices, desires and values. Include the page number for examples cited.

3. Using a Venn Diagram, contrast Equality 7-2521 with the rest of the men living in this society (pg.46).

4. Of the whole range of feelings possible to man (joy, excitement, anger, embarrassment, etc.) why is fear the prevalent emotion in this society?

5. Start a personal glossary in which you explain the following terms:
the Unmentionable Times, the Uncharted Forest, the Evil Ones, the Great Rebirth.

6. What word is Equality struggling to recapture on page 49? In your opinion, why is mentioning this word the only crime punishable by death in this society? How does this word contradict the ideals of this society? What could its rediscovery possibly lead to?

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